This is a quote that rings so true. I remind myself, when what I‘m doing or direction I’m taking is ineffective
then I need to change something. This applies to anything in life, for me.

I’ve been returning to more of what I’m known for to remind people that ”I’m still here.” I’ve touched on this topic before. I’ve been trying acrylics. I love them and if I were to suggest a brand, right now I’m trying the Golden Open and the Golden Heavy Bodied. Both are very fluid and creamy.

I’ve been going back to oils as in this small work. I do find oils are more forgiving in some respects than acrylics, especially when controlling edges. But then with acrylics you can simply “paint over”.

And then the other quote I like is “keep on keeping on”. I continue to draw almost every day, something. I‘ve been working on 18” x 24” sheets of Strathmore drawing paper and have been posting them in my Etsy shop. I see these framed without a mat, under glass and a simple narrow wood frame. My reference is from the Vogue Runway App. It’s free, terrific and has every designer listed under the sun! Of course I change the clothing enough to not impose on copyrights of the photographer. I keep facial features to a fashion minimum. It’s really about drawing gesture, fashionizing the figure and only using the photos as a jumping off place.