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Updated: Mar 4, 2021

Peggi Kroll Roberts, "It was a beautiful clear sunny day." SOLD
It was a beautiful clear sunny day. SOLD

I have been teaching a lot lately. I do love it. One thing that is frustrating is not getting enough painting time during a workshop. I really try to give all my attention to the students. I will do demos but they are never more than 20 minutes. But when everyone seems to be humming along I will have my easel ready and I will quick sneak in a small work here and there. I recently taught in Dana Point, CA and it was perfect!

Great people, perfect weather, and great models. These are some of the quickies I was able to do.

Peggi Kroll Roberts, "The umbrellas were up and some of those color relationships are so hard to capture."
The umbrellas were up and some of those color relationships are so hard to capture.
Peggi Kroll Roberts, "I love to paint kids.  You know they are only there for about a minute!" SOLD
I love to paint kids. You know they are only there for about a minute! SOLD
Peggi Kroll Roberts, "This was a quick demo to just help one of the students  see the value of the colors in shadow." SOLD
This was a quick demo to just help one of the students see the value of the colors in shadow. SOLD
Peggi Kroll Roberts, "These kids were there for one second!"
These kids were there for one second!
Peggi Kroll Roberts, figure on the beach
Peggi Kroll Roberts, "One day was iffy weather. We found some sun by our hotel pool." SOLD
One day was iffy weather. We found some sun by our hotel pool. SOLD
Peggi Kroll Roberts, "This is pretty much how I get started when I am capturing something quickly. I get a loose drawing in a warm neutral and then I try to mass my shadows first. Just helps to get me on solid footing."
This is pretty much how I get started when I am capturing something quickly. I get a loose drawing in a warm neutral and then I try to mass my shadows first. Just helps to get me on solid footing.
Peggi Kroll Roberts, "This was a very quick sketch to guess what the subject might look like on a sunny day. We were painting gray day works in the morning."
This was a very quick sketch to guess what the subject might look like on a sunny day. We were painting gray day works in the morning.
Peggi Kroll Roberts, "Just sort of got this one started and left some of the transparent under-painting alone. I am going to do a little more of that. I like the contrast of opaque and transparent."
Just sort of got this one started and left some of the transparent under-painting alone. I am going to do a little more of that. I like the contrast of opaque and transparent.
Peggi Kroll Roberts, "Another one of how I get started. I was trying to finish this one from memory. What a treat to have two models on one of the days."
Another one of how I get started. I was trying to finish this one from memory. What a treat to have two models on one of the days.
Peggi Kroll Roberts, Beach Umbrella "The model loved his pose."
The model loved his pose.
Peggi Kroll Roberts, "Just trying to keep the values close when working in the shadow area." 0il - figure
Just trying to keep the values close when working in the shadow area.
Peggi Kroll Roberts, "Gray, gray day. Don't like those." oil - figure in purple dress
Gray, gray day. Don't like those.
Peggi Kroll Roberts, "Reflections on water are always fun." oil - figure on the beach
Reflections on water are always fun.
Peggi Kroll Roberts, "Pattern Painting" - oil - figure in red with pink umbrella
"Pattern Painting"

This is actually the light we were painting in the morning.  Values describing the form were very close together.  It's more of painting local color and local value relationships of the subject. I call it "Pattern Painting". Think Mary Cassatt aquatints.

Previous Comments

These are great! That first one, though; the value of the sky seems dark for such a sunny day that is conveyed, and the color is so grayed, yet the scene does look sun-lit! Some concepts still confuse me, I guess.

While looking at this group of paintings, I kept thinking 'what does this remind me of?' Then I realized- Sorolla!

Good stuff indeed.

Your paintings are beautiful. I love the lavender umbrella!

I always enjoy viewing your work and reading your blog posts. The sun washed paintings are wonderful.

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